Shared Learning

Shared Learning: For Term 2
Is mainly given in two ways
1)    Completing work: If work is not finished during class time. Students may be asked to take home the work they have not completed. The work must be brought back the next day completed.
2)    Weekly tasks. These will be set with activities that have or will be covered over a weekly period. Students will be expected to spend some time on line most evenings working on MathsWhiz, Spelling City or Basic Fact building.
3)    Daily Reading.  This is of utmost importance for Year 7 & 8 students.  Reading is the only way to effectively improve reading ability.

It has been proven that to get a good night’s sleep we need to relax our brains.  Being on an electronic device is stimulating and trying to go to sleep after switching the device off without a wind down period is difficult.

Factor in a 20 to 30 min wind down reading time each evening.  Remove all devices from the bedroom and make sure the light is off at the end of the reading period.

Room 8 will use the secure sharing site Hapara. If your child does not have access to a computer at home they can complete these activities at school from 8:30am to 8:50am. They just need to arrange this with me. Internet safety guidelines for you and your child are available at school or on line at Netsafe keyword Hector.

Please note:  We will be looking to see if work has been completed and if students encountered any problems with the task. If students have any difficulties with the work, it is important that they see me with regards to this early in the week and not wait until Friday.

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